• 622 Wynnum Road, Morningside, 4170, Queensland
  • 07 3899 9999
  • 07 3899 9844
  • results@remax.com.au
  • remaxresults.com.au

RE/MAX Results has always been, and continues to be one of the leading real estate companies in Brisbane. In an increasingly healthy Brisbane market, the multi-award winning RE/MAX Results team is an elite group that has managed to emerge from the pack and consistently outsell the competition.

The success of the company is measured not only in its upward spiraling sales records, but also in the gracious testimonial letters received regularly from satisfied clients and the recognition by industry organisations and real estate peers.

As a team, RE/MAX Results successfully list, market and sell hundreds of homes year in and year out. Comprising of Brisbane's top industry professionals, this superb team have clearly established dominance in their market place. Whether it be in sales, administration or marketing, the enthusiasm and attitude the RE/MAX Results team show towards the real estate industry are at a level others can only aspire to.

A passion for property and excellent people skills isn't the only reason their team have been so successful. They are devoted to providing a service that people are delighted with rather than one which intimidates and stresses those involved. Their ability to constantly evolve with ever-changing trends in the market place will see RE/MAX Results pave the way for others to follow in years to come.