• Suite 2903, Level 9, Tower 2, 'Southport Central', 5 Lawson Street, Southport, 4215, Queensland
  • 07 5564 0660
  • sales@betterbusinesssales.com.au


Better Business and Commercial Sales is dedicated to providing High Levels of Professional Service to both Buyers and Sellers which ensures Low Risk and High Satisfaction for all parties. We help Owners to Sell their Business or Commercial Property and work Diligently with Entrepreneurs to Acquire a New Enterprise or Commercial Investment.

The team we have selected to provide this unique service have all been chosen for their knowledge, experience and genuine commitment to meeting the needs of you and your business. All our consultants are fully trained so you can be assured that the attention provided to you is accurate and appropriate and has been developed with your best interests in mind. All businesses recommended by our representatives have been thoroughly researched to ensure they meet your needs.

Better Business and Commercial Sales is at the forefront of Business and Commercial Property Sales. Our Head Office is located on the Gold Coast with associated agents available in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gladstone, Mackay, Townsville and all major cities and provincial centres of Australia. Our Agents are specialists in specific industries who will understand intimately the operation of your Business. Howard Elson - a Fully Qualified and Practicing Justice of the Peace, is the principal of Better Business and Commercial Sales who has been in Business on the Gold Coast for over 40 years. This Experience and Knowledge guarantees you a huge advantage in your search for the right Business or Property to Buy and if you are Selling you will be guaranteed the Highest Price possible.