• 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore, 4558, Queensland
  • 07 5479 5588
  • 0418 903 300
  • 07 5479 5588
  • admin@verifiedbusinesses.com.au
  • verifiedbusinesses.com.au
Whether you are Looking to Buy or Sell a Business...

we provide all the Facts & Figures at your Fingertips

WELCOME! The Director of Verified Businesses, David Bentley, for many years owned and ran the largest Sunshine Coast business brokers company - one of the three largest Queensland business brokers. In fact he has been selling businesses on the Sunshine Coast for over 13 years!

Two years ago David sold that business to one of his staff, but he kept on working in it and the longer he did, the more David saw what could be improved in the whole process.

  1. he could see new ways to attract more buyers, by showing them the true value and profits of a business in a simple, straight forward way that will convince even the most sceptical accountant.
  2. he could see ways to work even more closely with accountants. David is already known to them because he has almost certainly consulted with them in the past and he probably knows yours already, which just makes everything easier and faster!
  3. With all this background David created this new kind of business brokerage -- Verified Businesses.

As a buyer, when you deal with Verified Businesses all the facts and figures are at your fingertips -- all of them! We simply won't list a business unless every detail is complete.

As a seller, when you deal with Verified Businesses, we make absolutely sure that everything is there, everything is done to satisfy the most eagle-eyed accountant -- so that nothing stands in the way of a swiftly executed sale that fully satisfies both parties.

If you're looking for a business to purchase, call us. If we haven't already listed it, we will go and find it.

If you want to sell your business call us -- we have a huge database of buyers from my years selling businesses here on the Sunshine Coast, all looking for a new opportunity.

And there's a wealth of information on our website below, but if there's something you want to know that isn't here, just call us.

Contact verified businesses for information on :

  1. Tips for BUYING a business
  2. Tips for SELLING your business
  3. How to VALUE a business
  4. How to FINANCE a business
  5. Mistakes NOT to make
  6. BUSINESS Migration Visas
  7. More about WHAT we do
  8. Employment opportunities with us