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Boutique NDIS Registered Provider Gold Coast


Southport, Queensland

Boutique NDIS Registered Provider Gold Coast

This Boutique NDIS registered provider with a small team of independent support coordinators who are passionate about helping their clients navigate the NDIS and achieve their goals, all while making the process stress-free.

Revenue for F23 of $754,343 with a profit of $421,843 to one working owner.

What does it mean to be an NDIS registered provider?
NDIS registered support coordinators have undergone rigorous training and assessment to ensure they have the necessary skills and qualifications to provide high-quality support coordination services. This means that they have a deep understanding of the NDIS and can provide accurate nd up-to-date information and advice to participants.

In addition to their expertise, NDIS registered support coordinators are also bound by the NDIS Code of Conduct, which requires them to adhere to professional standards and uphold the rights and dignity of NDIS participants. This ensures that participants receive respectful and ethical support.

Currently managing 175 + clients, the business has grown significantly since inception, showing m-on-m growth & it is now strategically positioned for further expansion w/in the existing sector or has the capabilities to pivot into other related sectors easily. Will appeal to an existing provider, an investor looking for a solid business investment, or a private practice chain looking to diversify revenue streams.

For a full Information Memorandum, copy and paste this link to complete the confidentiality agreement -

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Last updated: 23rd June 2023


Property Type
Contract Type
For Sale
  • Health/Beauty
  • Medical

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